Key takeaways from the Canterbury property market

National median house price up 25.5% to $850,000 – A record price

Canterbury saw median house prices reach a record $595,000 in July, up 24.7% from the same time last year

“Median house prices in Canterbury saw a new record of $619,000 in August, up 24.3% from $498,000 in August 2020. Three districts in Canterbury also reached record median prices: Christchurch City ($650,000), Kaikoura District ($675,000), and Waimakariri District ($645,000). Canterbury is experiencing a low level of stock down 49.6% annually. These low levels of stock have meant that competition has remained high for available properties, and these are selling quick. – Jen Baird, REINZ CEO


Compared to August 2020

  • Median Price up 24.3%
  • Sales Count down 24.1%
  • Days to Sell decreased 7 days

Compared to July 2021

  • Median Price up 3.8%
  • Sales Count down 19.4%
  • Days to Sell remained the same



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*Sourced from REINZ (Real Estate Institute New Zealand)